Personal Injury FAQ

Personal injury law allows the injured person to sue in a private action called a tort action. A “tort” is a wrong against a person, whether it is a car accident, the use of a product, or the negligence of another.

Whatever the cause of personal injury, it is vital that you contact a trustworthy, reputable Arizona law firm that will aggressively represent you, both in and out of the courtroom. Here are a few Frequently Asked Questions to help you navigate the complex situation that is ahead of you.

What should I do if I am in a car, auto, or motorcycle accident?

Following a car, auto, or motorcycle accident, it is important to call the police and seek medical treatment. Keep in mind that the shock of being in a collision may hide any pain until hours or even days later.

Most importantly, before you speak to the at-fault driver’s insurance company about your injury, contact a skilled, knowledgeable personal injury firm to discuss your accident, your options, and how to receive compensation for your pain and losses.

How much is my auto accident case worth?

This question is complex, as it takes into consideration a number of factors:

  • If someone else’s negligence caused the auto accident and resulted in injuries, a skilled lawyer can help you obtain any payment you are entitled to for your medical bills plus compensation for pain and suffering. This would include past and future medical bills.
  • If you were seriously injured and missed time from work, you may be entitled to compensation for lost wages or loss of earning capacity in the future.

There is no proven formula to determine exactly how much a case is worth. It will depend on how the evidence and testimony dictate the case. The Mesa, AZ auto accident lawyers you employ will obtain medical records and bills and will analyze your condition in order to provide an estimated value.

What sorts of damages can someone recover in a wrongful death claim?

Survivors can recover expenses immediately associated with the death (funeral and medical costs, mental anguish, pain and suffering, loss of the victim’s income, loss of benefits, and more) by contacting an experienced personal injury law firm to help you make a case.

When your Arizona wrongful death lawyers review your case, they will help determine the cost of damages unique to your situation, and work tirelessly to assist you in recovering compensation for your losses.

Should I accept my Insurance Company settlement offer?

You should never discuss your case with the insurance company or settle with them without the assistance of a skilled Arizona personal injury attorney at your side. Insurance companies use tricky paperwork and legal language to try and get what they want, which is to pay you as little as possible. Don’t get less than you’re worth—contact an Arizona personal injury attorney before settling or talking with anyone.

The insurance company wants me to give them a recorded statement. Should I do that?

Again, so not make any move without a top-notch Arizona personal injury attorney to help you make sure that everything you say and do will help you get your settlement, not harm you.

What is my case worth?

In order to determine what your case is worth, you need to have an Arizona personal injury attorney look at every angle of your case, and, using previous experiences, have them come up with an idea on what can be expected.

However, every case is different. Whatever the situation, it is important to contact an Arizona personal injury attorney as soon as possible to help you determine the best course of action to take. The attorneys at Durrant and Associates in Mesa, Arizona will do their utmost to get you the justice you deserve. Call today at (480) 964-6500.

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